Montblanc Thomas Mann Writers Edition – Fountain Pen – ID104154

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Montblanc Limited Edition THOMAS MANN

Year: 2009
Condition: New Old Stock – Never Inked – Not Stamped papers
Complete: with outer box, box and papers
Nib size: M

Montblanc Limited Edition has the typical Art Deco charm, the historical period in which Thomas Mann lived, the body of the pen is black lacquered and decorated with platinum-plated inlays. Thomas Mann’s signature is engraved on the pen cap, while the 18K gold nib is engraved with the house of the Buddenbrooks, whose family saga is evoked by the onyx-colored zircon on the clip.


Montblanc Thomas Mann Writers Edition. A tribute to German author and Nobel prizewinner.
Possibly no other author of the twentieth century was able to depict with such skill the intriguing contrasts between the bourgeois mindset and free-spirited thinking.
Thomas man was a perceptive observer of the society in which he lived and which he described in his literary works.
The relationships within his own family inspired Mann to write the family saga The Buddenbrooks.
The Buddenbrooks brought him world fame and won the 1929 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Montblanc Thomas Mann Writers Edition has the typical Art Déco charm, historical period in which Thomas Mann lived. Likewise the body of the pen is lacquered black and decorated with platinum inlays.
Thomas Mann’s signature is engraved on the cap of the pen, while the Buddenbrooks’ house is engraved on the 18K gold nib, whose family saga is evoked by the onyx-colored zircon on the clip

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Montblanc Thomas Mann Writers Edition

Thomas Mann è stato il massimo rappresentante della letteratura tedesca, e vincitore del Premio Nobel Letteratura per i suoi grandi romanzi I Buddenbrook e La montagna incantata,
Indiscusso maestro della parola scritta, ha saputo cogliere i contrasti tra borghesia e libero pensiero.
La Montblanc Thomas Mann Writers Edition ha il tipico fascino Art Déco, periodo storico in cui visse Thomas Mann, il corpo della penna è laccato nero e decorato da intarsi platinati. Sul cappuccio della penna è incisa la firma di Thomas Mann, mentre sul pennino in oro 18K è cesellata la casa dei Buddenbrook, la cui saga familiare è rievocata dallo zircone color onice presente sulla clip.

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