Montblanc Homage to HOMER – Writers Edition – 117851

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Montblanc Writers Edition Homage to HOMER 

Year: 2018
Condition: Excellent
Complete: box – outer box and papers. OVP
Fountain pen nib size: F

Nib: Hand-crafted Au 750 / 18 K. (F)
Clip: rose gold color finishes
Barrel: precious matt black resin with highlighted grooves
Cap: precious matt black resin with highlighted grooves.
Colour: black


Montblanc Homage to HOMER, is one of the prestigious series of numbered pens dedicated to the most famous writers, poets and writers.

  • The author, Homer:

    Montblanc decides to celebrate the legendary Greek writer and poet Homer. Author of two of the most famous and studied poems in history: The Iliad and the Odyssey.
    Already praised by Plato as a teacher and model for all subsequent authors, Homer probably lived in the second half of the 13th century BC.
    The author, drawing on an older oral tradition, has organized a rich legacy of themes and stories that speak of heroes, mythological men, historical events and above all of the Olympians.

  • The  Montblanc Homage to HOMER

    The Montblanc Homage to HOMER is as always full of references.
    The beautiful matte black resin and the greek in 750 gold recall the tradition of Hellenistic ceramics with black figures.
    In addition, the legendary spear of Achilles is depicted in the clip coated in gold. Moreover, the stylized muzzle of the Trojan horse is depicted in the front engraving of the tank.
    In conclusion, the finely engraved gold frieze is inspired by the structure of the hexameter, the metric of Homeric poems, and Achilles with his helmet is engraved on the nib.


  • L’autore: Omero

    Un omaggio a colui che è considerato il primo poeta greco: Omero, autore di due tra i poemi più importanti della storia, l’Iliade e l’Odissea.
    Celebrato da Platone come maestro e modello per tutti gli autori successivi, Omero visse, probabilmente, nella seconda metà dell’XIII secolo a.C.

  • La Writers Edition Homer

    Ricca di dettagli suggestivi che rimandano alle opere del Poeta.
    La pregiata resina nera opaca e le greche in oro 750 ricordano la tradizione delle ceramiche ellenistiche con le figure nere.
    La lancia di Achille è raffigurata nella clip anch’essa rivestita in oro e il muso stilizzato del cavallo di Troia è raffigurato nell’incisione frontale del serbatoio.
    Infine, il fregio in oro finemente inciso è ispirato alla struttura dell’esametro, la metrica dei poemi omerici e sul pennino è inciso Achille con il suo elmo.

Informazioni aggiuntive
